I might be right

Wednesday, April 11

Link Hike

Sometimes I follow links just to see where it takes me. And no, I don’t mean I follow the links that tell me that I can get free Viagra if I only fill in my credit card and personal information, or the ones that tell me that I can help launder money for a rich Nigerian mobster who is not really a mobster but the heir to a fortune that only he knows about. No one follows those, right?

Today one of those link hikes got me to an article on dinosaurs. Now for those of you who remember back to my post on blogs that I read, you might remember that I tend to stop by blogs that are well written: and this one is no exception.

What the Discovery Channel Doesn’t Tell You About Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are more famous now than when they were alive and ruled the planet. They are the Elvis of the Animal Kingdom. This is in large part to the Discovery Channel which promotes and disseminates a pro-Dinosaur agenda nearly 24 hours a day. Surely, no advertisers are demanding this content. The target audience is extinct after all. Who is really behind this Paleozoic propaganda and what are they not telling you?

Internet Zillionaire has been added to both my bookmark folder and the list to the right. Go read! It will be time well spent. I promise

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