I might be right

Friday, March 23

What’s up with twitter?

I don’t get it. It might be that I’m a bit slow, but I just don’t get it. But first things first: what is twitter?

twitter is yet another social networking site, stripped down to its bare requirements. It’s a site that revolves around one question only: What are you doing? That is it. Answer the question “What are you doing?” in 140 characters or less. Then you add your friends, and you get updates of what they are doing. Followers are the people that follow you, but which you in turn do not get updated on. That’s it.

I just don’t get it.

twitter first came to my attention through a podcast (not that I can remember which), and has been occurring in several podcasts since then. And every time hosts try to explain ‘for those of our listeners that do not know what twitter is’ there is always a few seconds of dead air and then a more or less coherent explanation. But one thing they all agree on is that twitter is very addictive - in batches of 140 characters or less.

And it’s growing. Fast. Expect to hear more, much more, about twitter in the future. I might even get it some day…

Traffic data from alexa.com. Read more at SFGate.com

Edit: Some interresting thoughts on twitter. And why it won't last


Andreas said...

I think you already answered yourself. The reason it's so popular is because it's so simple. I still haven't jumped onto FaceBook because I imagine it will take a lot of time just to get set up, and I don't really see what I would "do" there. Twitter on the other hand won't require you to "get in deep". Regardless, I still agree with you that it seems kinda silly and pointless.

H said...

http://twitter.com/disused weeeee!