I might be right

Tuesday, February 6

How about a carrot?

“Support the WHO FCTC – it saves lives!” Not heard of the WHO FCTC? Well there is not much you need to know, really. They save lives, so they must be the good guys. The good guys saves lives, so saving lives must naturally make you a good guy. It’s logical.

This is how the WHO FCTC saves lives. Scare you, did it? Well, it’s designed to do just that. Those are from Canada by the way. Reportedly they work better than the small warning printed on the side of the package in the US. So good of them to use three years, and who knows how many millions to come up with that answer. I bet they didn’t look into the increasing numbers of cigarette cases sold, though.

I know that smoking kills. You know that smoking kills. So does anyone with half a brain. And smokers? They get it force fed every time they try to light up. They should have gotten the message by now. Perhaps instead of covering half a package we should cover the whole thing? With an even more illustrating picture. And the warnings on the packages? Not powerful enough. “Smoking kills” could be made into “Every time you smoke you help Osama kill an infidel”. (Naturally the warning would have to be locally adapted).

I am sure that psychologists and psychiatrists would tank us for the added work bound to come from treating depressed and disillusioned smokers…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we got that in brazil as well.
what i used to do is,
"can i get that one, no, not this one that makes you impotent, but the other one, yes, that one that destroys your lungs. ok. thank you so much."