I might be right

Friday, May 18

Paper bricks

I have more books that I haven’t read than I care to think about. Right now for instance there is a big brick of a book lying on my bedside table collecting dust, and it has been doing so for the last couple of months.

Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov is one of two (I think it’s two) books that I am currently not reading. These two are books I started to read at one point, only to put them down and not pick up again – it is not because they are bad or uninteresting books, I just do not find the time and/or interest to sit down and read more than a few pages. And to get into a book I need to read a bit more than that.

At some point I will finish them though: There are only two books that I can remember (and that I started to read voluntarily) that I did not finish. And only one of those because it was a book I did not like at all. Considering that I manage to get through quite a few books each year I’d say that’s quite a good track record…

As far as the brick on my table: At some point I am sure that I will pick it up again, but right now I’ll opt for a few more layers of dust before I do.


Anonymous said...

hmmm. interesting blog you have. :)

H said...

Hello there Angel.

I’m always amazed when people find their way into my corner of the internet… Can I just ask how you found your way here? And you are welcome to stay as long as you like :)